I am Teacher

Hello friends of the Internet, today I will talk about a very interesting subject, most embarrassing  I'm going to admit , the interesting part of this blog is to read other embarrassing stories, not write your property history shameful, but, this is my time to write, Hmmm... " This work is a difficult job, because I always do things that then I am ashamed, but my most recent event was in the "paro " I a Zumba in college courses, I was the teacher, this is a big secret, because my friends do not know about it " only know it children attending classes. I liked to do this class, because the dance is very interesting and entertaining, Zumba is a good exercise.

I made this class with another partner, we prepare the choreography, we practice every day, this is not an easy job, it is difficult to create a routine and find songs like mcuh people, is a difficult job, but when you know the routine, dancing is very entertaining I recommend this exercise, it is interesting and entertaining, you can go with your friends and talk to them and hear good songs, like at a party

Do you like doing Zumba? Comment your opinion.
Goodbye, I'm waiting for your questions and comments
